Module ncine.app_configuration

The application configuration table






  • console_log_level (ncine.log_level) The minimum level that a log message needs to have to be printed in the console
  • file_log_level (ncine.log_level) The minimum level that a log message needs to have to be written to the log file
  • resolution (ncine.vec2) The window size or the resolution of the closest video mode if going full screen.
    If either x or y are zero or negative, the application will go in full screen at the current screen resolution.
  • window_position (ncine.vec2) The window position coordinates in the virtual screen made of all the connected monitors
  • argv (string[]) The array of arguments passed on the command line
  • data_path string The data path
  • log_file string The file used when logging to file is enabled
  • log_interval number The interval for frame timer accumulation average and log
  • refresh_rate number The refresh rate of the screen mode used to go in full screen.
    If it is zero or negative, when requesting a full screen mode the current refresh rate will not be changed.
  • full_screen boolean The flag is true if the application is going to be in full screen mode
  • resizable boolean The flag is true if the window is going to be resizable
  • window_scaling boolean The flag is true if the window size is automatically scaled according to the display factor
  • frame_limit integer The maximum number of frames to render per second or 0 for no limit
  • window_title string The window title
  • window_icon string The window icon filename
  • buffer_mapping boolean The flag is true if mapping is used to update OpenGL buffers
  • defer_shader_queries boolean The flag is true when error checking and introspection of shader programs are deferred to first use
  • fixed_batch_size integer Fixed size of render commands to be collected for batching on Emscripten and ANGLE
  • binary_shader_cache boolean The flag is true if the shader cache is enabled to load and save binary shader programs
  • shader_cache_dirname string The directory name (not the complete path) for the binary shaders cache
  • compile_batched_shaders_twice boolean The flag is true if, on devices with UBOs smaller than 64 KB, batched shaders will be compiled twice to identify their maximum batch size
  • vbo_size integer The maximum size in bytes for each VBO collecting geometry data
  • ibo_size integer The maximum size in bytes for each IBO collecting index data
  • vao_pool_size integer The maximum size for the pool of VAOs
  • rendercommand_pool_size integer The initial size for the pool of render commands
  • output_audio_frequency integer The output frequency of the audio system
  • mono_audio_sources integer The number of mono audio sources
  • stereo_audio_sources integer The number of stereo audio sources
  • debug_overlay boolean The flag is true if the debug overlay is enabled
  • audio boolean The flag is true if the audio subsystem is enabled
  • threads boolean The flag is true if the threading subsystem is enabled
  • scenegraph boolean The flag is true if the scenegraph based rendering is enabled
  • vsync boolean The flag is true if the vertical synchronization is enabled
  • gl_debug_context boolean The flag is true if the OpenGL debug context is enabled
  • console_colors boolean The flag is true if console log messages should use colors
  • opengl_core_profile boolean True if the OpenGL profile is going to be core (read-only)
  • opengl_forward_compatible boolean True if the OpenGL context is going to be forward compatible (read-only)
  • opengl_major_version integer The major version number of the OpenGL context (read-only)
  • opengl_minor_version integer The minor version number of the OpenGL context (read-only)
  • profile_text_update_time number The update time in seconds for the profile text nodes (read-only)
  • argc integer The number of arguments passed on the command line
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2025-02-27 00:46:40