C.I. migrated to GitHub Actions

Decommissioning Azure Pipelines for a more integrated solution

All nCine projects are now continuously integrated using GitHub Actions workflows. The old Azure Pipelines setup has been disabled and it will not be used anymore.

GitHub Actions

With this migration, the C.I. is now more integrated with the code as everything is accessible from GitHub. For example, have a look at the nCine actions page showing the building workflows. You will also notice the new CodeQL workflow and status badges in the README.md file.

There is also another news related to building the source code: the develop branch does not exist anymore. It is a transition from the Git Flow model to GitHub Flow.

Improvements will appear in feature branches: they will be pushed on GitHub and updated regularly. Every feature branch will have one or more accompanying issues with explanations, instructions, and user comments. This change will allow for a broader testing phase, a transparent development process, and clearer tracking of progress.

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